A Periodic Table of
Greek Mythology
A manifesto
in practice
A compendium of writing about the characters of Greek mythology, with contributions from people of all backgrounds, from school pupils to professors, from teens to pensioners, across a spectrum of different nationalities, ethnicities, and identities.
This is a true picture of our Classics community in 2025.
Myth meets
Each page of the book tells the tale of a different figure from Greek mythology. From Ariadne to Zeus, more than a hundred characters have their stories, etymologies, reception and connections told.
This beginner’s guide is an engaged, discursive, sometimes personal, and occasionally provocative look at Greek mythology, what it meant to the ancient Greeks, and what it can mean for us today.
By the numbers
More than three quarters of our 117 writers identify themselves as working class.
81% of our writers attended a state (free) school.
49% of our writers identify as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, with many offering unique insights and perspectives on ancient stories.
10% of our writers identified themselves as BAME/POC, a statistic we would like to increase in the next book.
Classicists from across the globe are represented in this book, with many writing in their second language or requiring translation.
49% of our writers identified as neurodiverse and just under one third of people had access requirements that we met.
This book is more than a beginner's guide to Greek mythology.
It is a showcase of the creative talent and academic wit from which the field of Classics would benefit if it were more freely open and accessible to everyone.

A place for everyone at the feast
Featuring contributions from
Livia Adams
Liv Albert
Lucy Angel
Samuel Azzopardi
Princess O’Nika Auguste
Talia R. BarNoy
Emily Bausher
Mike Beer
Justin L. Biggi
Amanda D. Binns
Tom Bright
Keeli Cadwell
Sol A. Cardenas
Ben Cassell
Ashley Ann Cassidy
Aiden Cattanach
Robert Caudill
Evie Chandler
Alexia Burrows Charalambidou
Ross Clare
George Connor
Trevor Culley
Dries Cuykx
Francesco Paolo Dal Rio
Susan Deacy
Mike Delayo
Alisha Dodds
Chrissie Downton
Sascha Engel
Lucy E. Farnan
Vicki Feltham
Anna Fernández Iglesias
Cora Beth Fraser
Tobias Fulton
Daniel Galef
Kenna Gibson
Jenna Glassburner
Riley Gombis
Joel Gordon
Colin Gough
Suzanne Graham
Charlotte Gregory
Midah Guilbaud-Walter
Ashleigh Hamilton
Robyn Hayward
Doug Henning
Natasha Hershaw
Connor Hickey
Aimee Hinds Scott
Isabel Hood
Georgina Homer
Dr Christina Hotalen
Carys Hughes
Dr. Alex Imrie
Douglas Jones
Sierra P. Jones
Dr. Shelby Judge
Tyler Kelly
Tanika Koosmen
C. M. Kosemen
Marios Koutsoukos
Lorna Lee
Julie Levy
Zoe Lister
Brendon Little
Katherine Livingston
Yentl Love
Megan Mahoney
Alice Main
Alicia Matz
Oliver Maynard
George McAdam-Cross
Derek McCann
Chris McGonigle
Ross McGovern
Jessica McKenzie
Ciara Meehan
Craig Melia
Allison Menai Newbould
Aidan Mooney
Kate Minniti
Jacqueline Munro
Lauren Murphy
Regina Nagan
Zara Naveed
Lucy Neill
Louise O'Brien
Christina Osborn
Dr. Maciej Paprocki
Aneirin C. Pendragon
Baily D. Peters
Dr Kerry Phelan
Ella Quinn
Naomi Rebis
Amanda Rivera
Ellie Mackin Roberts
Gregory Rowe
Madelaine Sacco
Aidan Scully
Alexandra Sills
Emily Small
Echo Smith
Matthew Speight
Rachel Stott
Dr Jeremy Swist
Mehr-un-Nisa Syed
Amber Taylor
Adam Thain
Ellana Rose Thornton-Wheybrew
Ciaran Tolland
LJ Trafford
Simon Trafford
Alexander Vandewalle
Carlotta Vincenzi
Ryan Marc Williamson
Peter Wright
Caitlin Yool