When Looks Could Kill: The Rise of Basil the Macedonian
Harrison Voss takes a look at the intrigue surrounding the rise of Basil I, and his swift replacement by Basilikinos.
Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island - Review
Miri Teixeira has been enjoying a very soothing time playing this new Classics-themed video game.
Classics in a Christmas Classic: The Bishop’s Wife
A proper Christmas classic features a rather lovely Classical sub-plot. Pour yourself a mulled wine, snaffle a mince-pie and let Isabel Hood tell you a festive tale…
Did Gladiators really do that?
Did they really launch ships in the Colosseum? Did they really wear fancy breastplates?
Alexandra Sills, checks how accurately Ridley Scott’s film presents the life of a gladiator.
Re-fighting the Peloponnesian War: Antiquity in Modern Greek Politics
Both Athens and Sparta are being used to fight political wars in modern Greece, with some alarming - and some inspiring - results.
The Working Classicists Christmas Gift List 2024
Here’s a big old list to help you with your gifting this year.
More than twenty recommendations means there is DEFINITELY something for everyone here.
We Were Always Here: Queer Existence in Ancient Egypt
Maya Hampton has done some digging and has uncovered a treasure trove of queer representation in Ancient Egyptian history!
A New Home for Working Classicists!
We've built a new website! Come see what we've been up to!
Review: Myths, Gods and Immortals: Medusa
Our resident book reviewer runs an eye over a new book about everyone's favourite gorgon...
Ancient Athletics Part Eleven: Romans at the Games
Alexandra Sills continues her Olympic tour with this look at the Roman influence on the games, and vice versa.
Ancient Athletics Part Ten: Infamous Olympians
The cheaters, the gougers, the spitters and the bribers. Alexandra Sills is mixing with some right rogues!
Ancient Athletics Part Nine: Famous Olympians
Alexandra Sills runs a rule over the big-hitters and record-breakers in the ancient sports festival.
Ancient Athletics Part Eight: Courses for Horses
The Olympics had a bogglingly huge array of races. Alexandra Sills is horsing around...
Ancient Athletics Part Seven: Five is a Magic Number
Continuing her series on ancient Olympic events, Alexandra Sills turns her eye to the event which was really a best of five.
Ancient Athletics Part Six: Kicking and Punching
A lot of people are drawn to pankration because it sounds a bit like MMA, but Alexandra Sills has news for you: it was FAR more brutal...
Ancient Athletics Part Five: Big Track
You'd imagine Usain Bolt would draw the line at racing in full military armour; not so the ancient Greeks...
Ancient Athletics Part Four: Who's Who?
Like modern sports, ancient Olympiads had a host of judges, assistants and staff to support the participants. Over to Alexandra Sills...
Ancient Athletics Part Three: No Cheating!
Some of the events were pretty hardcore, so imagine the penalties for cheating! Alexandra Sills is a glutton for punishment.
Ancient Athletics Part Two: Get With the Programme
While there was a whole load of running going on at the Olympics, the running order would keep everyone straight.
Ancient Athletics Part One: On Your Marks...
Here we go! Alexandra Sills has done a deep-dive into what made the ancient Olympics tick. More than ten articles... it's a veritable marathon!