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George of Working Classicists

Hi, I’m George, and I do a lot of the technical and academic stuff at Working Classicists.

​I was educated at a state school and attended university in Dundee – the first of my family to go to university. I had no education in Classical Studies during this period of my life, and went on to become an English teacher in Scottish state schools for more than a decade. 

A personal interest in Classics meant that I sat school-level qualifications in Latin and Classical Studies whilst working full-time, at the age of 38. I went on to complete a part-time Classics degree - and subsequently a Masters - at the Open University. 

With help from other schools and supportive school managers, I introduced Classical Studies to my current school nine years ago. Since then, I have assisted more than a dozen state schools in Scotland to get Classics courses up and running in one form or another.

In 2022 I was delighted to work with St Andrews University in developing, launching and successfully running STALOS, the university’s Latin Outreach Scheme. As a result of its success, I am now in my second year teaching exam-level Latin at my school.

Away from work I write creatively, play bass in a metal band (Magistri!), walk our dog Posca, and play a lot of video games.

Miri of Working Classicists


Hi, I’m Miri, and if you contact us or follow us on socials, you’ll likely be chatting to me. 

My school, like most state schools, didn’t offer Classics, but I’d have taken it in a heartbeat if it had. Instead, I immersed myself in history, politics, and art, going on to study English Literature at the University of Bristol. My love of Classics grew from my free-time pursuits – exploring ancient sites with my family, going to any and every museum, and trying to read old books in languages I didn’t really understand. 

Although I have no formal Classics education, I’m a keen enthusiast and am very much learning as I go. I’ve always been interested in the political side of our work, and believe wholeheartedly in the equity of education that Working Classicists seeks to provide. 

I’m a video games journalist by trade, and can go on for hours about old point-and-click games or bafflingly complex grand strategy titles. I’m a big fan of cryptic crosswords, coffee, science fiction, and the works of William Morris (both politically and artistically). Reading, writing, baking, and running take up the rest of my time – unless I’m Tweeting angrily at an MP