
Your Studies

UK University Support

Funding is a huge concern for many going to university, and the cost can often dissuade prospective students from applying. However, most universities have some sort of assistance available to applicants from low-income, working class, or minority backgrounds, and finding this out could make your experience a little easier.

Below are links to some of the scholarship, bursary, and funding sources for the UK universities that offer Classics courses. These links will take you to one of the university’s funding pages (just click the image), but it is worth checking the site for scholarships, bursaries, and funding separately. This information is sometimes found on the same page, but it is more commonly found in different places, so you’ll have to do a bit of digging. Postgraduate and undergraduate funding is rarely in the same place, and individual disciplines and departments sometimes have their own assistance on offer. 

On top of that, there are a number of private organisations which offer financial help to people looking to take a university course of study. Ask people at your university if they can provide a bit of guidance in this area, and Google as much as you can.

Underneath is a link for US funding information, and for a couple of non-university-level opportunities.


For Classicists in the United States, the Society for Classical Studies have compiled a list of financial aid for students here. A terrific list.

The Leventis Foundation provide funding for a small number of teachers to complete a course of Classical study every year.

The Joint Association of Classics Teachers run summer schools in the UK every year, and offer generous contributions towards costs to some applicants.